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Terms of Service

1. General Terms:

1.1. Service Provider:

Name: IAmAnn OÜ (hereinafter referred to as ANN)

Address: Jahu tn 14-129, 10416 Tallinn, Estonia

Registration code: 16899965

Contact Information: info@minuaastaaruanne.ee

1.2. Service Recipient and User:

The service recipient is a legal entity for whose financial year report preparation the Service is used.

The service recipient has the right to receive the service in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

The service user is a private individual, acting on behalf of the service recipient, who registers to use the service.

The service user is obliged to use the service lawfully and in good faith.

The service user is obliged not to disclose their access credentials to third parties.

The service user is obliged to promptly inform the service provider of any issues arising during the use of the service.

2. Service:

2.1. Service name:

ANN - Web-based annual report preparation tool for micro-businesses*.

*Micro-company is a private limited company whose indicators meet all of the following conditions as of the balance sheet date of the reporting year:

  • total assets up to €175,000, This amount includes all the assets owned by the company, such as cash, unpaid invoices customer invoices, inventory, and fixed assets.

  • liabilities not exceeding equity. This means that a company's debts should not exceed its equity, which is the difference between its assets and liabilities.

  • sales revenue in the reporting year up to €50,000. This amount includes all the revenue generated by the company from its sales.

  • one shareholder who is also a member of the management board. This condition distinguishes a micro-enterprise from a regular limited liability company, where there can be multiple shareholders and board members.

NB! Please note that in the e-Business Register, in the first two financial years, a company that otherwise meets the criteria for a micro-company but has multiple shareholders, at least one of whom is also a board member, may submit a micro-company's annual report. However, from the third financial year onwards, a company with two or more shareholders must submit a small business annual report.

2.2. Terms of Service

The service recipient during the period of the prepared annual report:

  • was not liable for VAT;

  • did not receive and/or grant loans.

The user of the service must authenticate themselves using Smart-ID, Mobile-ID, or an ID card.

The recipient of the service can use the following EUR bank accounts or payment solutions:

  • Swedbank

  • LHV Bank

  • SEB Bank

  • Coop Bank

  • Wise

  • Revolut

The service is not suitable for use if the company has a bank account in a bank or financial services provider other than those listed above.

The service is also suitable for use if the company does not have a bank account.

Bank accounts must be in euros.

2.3. Description of the Service:

ANN is a web-based platform for preparing and submitting micro-entrepreneurs' annual reports in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Estonia.

The purpose of the tool is to generate an XBRL file based on the entered information, which is necessary for the annual report and can be uploaded to the Business Register by the recipient of the service or a person authorized by the recipient of the service. The generated file contains the following information:

  • Balance sheet

  • Profit and loss statement (scheme 1)

  • Appendix 1: Accounting principles

  • Appendix 2: Labour costs

  • Appendix 3: Related parties

2.4. To use the Service:

  1. The user must authenticate themselves using Smart-ID, Mobile-ID, or ID-card.

  2. Find the company for which the report is desired to be created by entering the company's name or registration code. The platform is integrated with the Business Register, and the search is performed through this interface.

  3. Select the reporting period for which the report will be prepared. A query is made to the Business Register for the initial balances of the respective reporting period.

  4. Pay a one-time fee for the service according to the price list. The price includes the preparation of one report for one company.

  5. Upload the recipient's bank account statement and define the content of the transactions.

  6. Enter non-bank transactions according to the platform's guidelines.

  7. Review the reports created based on the entered data - balance sheet and profit and loss statement.

  8. Download the XBRL file ready for uploading to the Business Register.

  9. Submit the XBRL file created by the platform to the Business Register. If desired, the user can delete the report. The platform will delete all reports three years after their creation.

3. Help information:

ANN is a technical tool, and the accounting of the private limited company is managed by the management board. If necessary, consult with an accountant.

Other documents (invoices, expense reports, checks) do not need to be and cannot be saved in the program, but they are necessary to justify the expenses incurred. The member of the management board is responsible for the existence and storage of documents related to the company.

The balance sheet generated based on the entered data complies with the balance sheet scheme of the Commercial Register, meaning that balance sheet items are presented as aggregate amounts.

4. Data processing, storage and security:

All data necessary for the preparation of the annual report is the property of the service recipient and the platform acts solely as a processor of the data entered by the user.

The user of the service is obliged to ensure that all data uploaded to the platform is correct, complete and legal and is responsible for the correctness of the data.

The platform acts as a data processor and allows the creation of financial reports based on the data. The data uploaded to the platform includes bank statements, which may contain personal data (names of persons and bank accounts).

The controller of the personal data uploaded to the platform by the user is the Service Recipient and the processor is the Service Provider IAmAnn OÜ.

To process payments for the service, the responsible processor IAmAnn  OÜ collects and transfers the necessary personal data (such as name, bank account number) to the authorized processor Maksekeskus AS.

All data is stored in encrypted form.

Only the user who created the data has access to the created data. Other users, including the service provider's employees, cannot access the data without the user's permission.

The system is regularly checked for security vulnerabilities.

The data is backed up.

The service provider stores the data in the system until it is deleted by the user, but not longer than 3 years after the data is entered.

The user has the right at any time to delete the created content and request the deletion of the user account by sending a corresponding request to info@minuaastaaruanne.ee

When deleting a user account, all data associated with that account will be deleted from the database, including:

  • User profile data;

  • Created content and reports;

  • Uploaded files (e.g. bank statements);

  • Data obtained from the Commercial Register.

When deleting a report, all data associated with that report will be deleted from the database, including:

  • Uploaded bank account files;

  • Report data;

  • Text and comments added to the report;

  • Files associated with the report.

5. Agreement and Validity:

These Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") together form an agreement between the Service Provider and the User.

By paying for the service, you agree to these Service Terms.

The applicable service terms are published on the service provider's website at www.minuaastaaruanne.ee

The service provider reserves the right to modify the Terms without prior notice.

The modified Terms take effect from the moment they are published on the service website.

6. Payment and Cancellation of the Service:

The prices of the products sold in the online store are indicated next to the products. All prices of the goods sold in the online store are in euros.

Payments are processed by Maksekeskus AS.

List of payment methods: Swedbank, SEB, LHV, Luminor, Coop Pank, Citadele, Revolut, N26, Wise.

The service invoice is issued to the service recipient.

A company that needs to submit more than one annual report must pay a separate fee for each report.

The number of additional bank statements is not limited and the price of the service does not depend on it.

Payment must be made before using the service.

If the service cannot be used for technical reasons and the service provider has not solved the problem within 30 days of receiving the error message, the customer has the right to a refund.

This is a one-time purchase and the order cannot be cancelled after payment, if it turns out that the service is not suitable for the recipient.

7. Liability:

The service provider is not liable for service interruptions or data loss caused by circumstances beyond the service provider's control.

The board member of the service recipient company is fully responsible for the accuracy and legality of their data and, consequently, for the content created in ANN.

8. Liability Resolution:

Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved between the parties in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Estonia.

9. Final Provisions:

This tool is intended for the preparation of annual reports of micro-enterprises. The platform itself does not provide accounting services. If necessary, consult an accountant.

To confirm the suitability of the service and, if necessary, to familiarize yourself with the terms of use, please read the FAQ in more detail or contact info@minuaastaaruanne.ee